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About Us

Inspiring Education, Achieving Our Dreams

Trust Responsibility Understanding Motivation Achievement Care And Respect

As a school we firmly believe in upholding the values of society and British life and embed these throughout our curriculum and through our daily assemblies which follow weekly themes for the whole school.

At Trumacar we are very proud of the Values which we uphold and teach to all of our pupils and expect all of our community members to uphold. Education, in our eyes, is not only about subject matter and learning for exams but is about bringing the whole child out of themselves to be a well-balanced and thoughtful member of British society and the world beyond. Each time a child is awarded Star of the Week they also get a House Point on their school record which is shared with parents.

To this end our school enables children to work through progressive themes connected within the PSHE curriculum which are also discussed through assemblies, class times and through a myriad of other opportunities provided to the children including School Council, Pupil Power Day, Anti-Bullying Day, Online Safety Day and much, much more.

We celebrate the children’s achievements in attaining and learning these Values each week during Star of the Week Assembly as well as celebrating at the end of each half-term with those who have been recognised  for displaying and demonstrating the weekly value both in and out of school.