Welcome to Trumacar Nursery and Community Primary School
On behalf of the staff, governors and pupils of Trumacar Nursery and Community Primary School, I would like to welcome you and your child to our growing and forward-thinking school.
Trumacar Nursery and Community Primary School now has over 350 pupils on roll from the age of 3 to 11, including our excellent Nursery. There are currently two Nursery session classes plus eleven primary age classes, seven in the Infants and six in the Juniors. Our current admission number for each year group is 45, however we have been asked to take more pupils than this on occassion as we are always oversubscribed. All classes have numbers of 30 or less and are organised according to age unless a specific Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) has been identified.
As Headteacher, I manage the day to day running of the school and ensure that the we provide high quality teaching and learning for all pupils. I am also the main contact for parents and visitors to our school. As Headteacher, I also have overall responsibility for the finances and management of all aspects of the school on behalf of the Governing Body which meets at least once a term. The Governors also operate a structure of committees who work with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that effective planning, monitoring and evaluation is in place as well as ensuring that policies and procedures reflect current DfE and Local Authority recommendations.

Primary education is a critical stage in any child’s development and at Trumacar we place the child at the centre of our educational thinking, always catering for the individual needs of our pupils. This is the time which shapes each child for future life – allowing them to enjoy, explore and experience the joy of discovering on a daily basis. We aim to challenge and support our pupils to do their best academically and ensure that they have access to a wide range of other opportunities within the school such as sporting activities and creative arts.
The Nursery is currently open from 8am until 5pm including over lunchtimes and we can easily accommodate the 30 free hours and15 free hours Nursery care that working parents are entitled to. The Nursery also runs extra sessions which can be paid for outside of the core hours provided through the government scheme.
We also provide quality care before and after school through our own Tigers Club which is available from 7:45-8:45am every morning and includes the provision of breakfast, and then from 3pm until 6pm every evening including a snack.

As a school we believe that in order to provide our pupils with the best all round education we can, there must be effective partnerships built with all members of the school community, especially with parents and carers. Working closely with parents/carers prepares the way for all pupils to achieve their full potential and to this end we invite you to sign a Home School Agreement which signals our joint commitment towards the education and welfare of your child.
There are many ways in which you can help and encourage your child as they begin full time schooling. Further information will be available as your child starts to attend our school through regular Newsletters and information evenings as well as through our social media channels.

If you would like to take a more active role in school we would be delighted to welcome you. We have parents who help children with all aspects of the curriculum (e.g. reading, computer skills, art, maths, sport). You would also be very welcome to join our thriving Parents Forum or our superb Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA).
Our School Prospectus and Nursery Prospectus are designed to answer many of the initial questions which parents have when looking at schools but should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s classteacher, the school administrator or myself. We firmly believe in the importance of ongoing two-way communication.

And finally – Welcome to our school – a school which is proud in its commitment to every child and to every family – working together towards a brighter future for all.
Trumacar: ‘Inspiring Education, Achieving Our Dreams’
Paul Slater