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Curriculum Overview

Trumacar’s curriculum has developed over the years to provide all of our pupils with a clear programme to develop their skills and learning in a wide variety of subjects and within a wider curriculum offer to prepare them well for Secondary School and their future life careers and opportunities.

Below you will find the Intent for each area of our School Development Plan, including for the specific subjects provided within the school. For further details about specific curriculum areas, please visit the subject specific page.

Our Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is relevant to our pupils and the context of our school and is based on providing as many practical learning opportunities as possible as we recognise that this is the best way that our children learn. It includes worthwhile tasks that engage the children in their own learning and development, making clear connections with the local community around them. It fully utilises the outdoors to enhance learning, enabling pupils to thrive from a wealth of experiences on offer.

In teaching our curriculum we use active language and promote a clear joy of learning, ensuring that reading and speaking and listening skills permeate through the whole curriculum. Our curriculum is relevant to our pupils for their growth and development.

Our children will be encouraged to be independent to help prepare them for life-long learning and skills development, and resilience will be developed so that they can grow to become citizens who can contribute fully to their community and to the wider world. Alongside these, we will support them in developing their empathy and compassion, understanding why these are important in our world today. Alongside problem solving skills, they will also be taught tolerance and equality for all, so that each child can understand their own self worth and that of others, and develop their own logical reasoning skills.

Our whole curriculum will continue to develop and grow, led by a skilled team of experts and strong subject leaders in their own fields, and will always involve the voice of the child to ensure that the curriculum remains relevant to them and to their future.

Standards, Attainment and Progress

We want all pupils to make expected and above expected progress in all subjects and to show good progress at the end of each phase with the result of leaving Trumacar with more than expected progress having been made since entry. We want standards to remain high and continue to be aspirational for all pupils and this to be reflected in statutory testing arrangements. We want all pupils to leave Trumacar being literate and numerate, confident, and ready for their future educational journey at secondary school and beyond. To do this, we also need to close the gaps in learning caused by school closure and the global pandemic.

Leadership and management

Through excellent and clear leadership and management we aim for pupils to leave as well-rounded individuals who embody the shared values taught within our school; pupils who aspire to be valued members of society like the professionals they have worked with, albeit in different roles within society.

Role of Governors

Governors have a clear, shared vision for the development and improvement of the school which is focussed on pupil progress, attainment and the wider experiences provided. It is committed to safeguarding and the inclusion of all pupils and in providing equal opportunities for all pupils and staff in all that the school offers. It is also committed to managing the school finances so that the school has a balanced three-year budget which provides good value for money for pupils’ outcomes and ensures Pupil Premium and Sports Premium monies are spent for the betterment of pupils. Governors are committed to their own training and development to ensure that they hold the school to account and ensure that pupils receive the best education on offer.

Quality of education

For all pupils to enjoy school and be enthusiastic about all aspects of education and understand the need for a quality education to enable them to achieve their goals in the future.

For all pupils to succeed and be celebrated for their progress and achievements as well as supporting them in areas for development so that they can make progress across all areas For all pupils to engage in a wider variety of learning opportunities in a wide variety of ways, ensuring that background, finances, and family concerns are discussed to ensure all pupils can access all that the school offers.

Behaviour and attitudes

We want all pupils to understand the need for positive behaviour and the benefits of engagement in lessons for their own future

We want pupils to feel safe to bring issues to staff and know they will be dealt with swiftly.

We want pupils to understand their own responsibilities and their own and other people’s rights, and to uphold the agreed values of the school.

Personal development

To foster drive and aspiration to set achievable goals. Having the self-belief to achieve these.

Our Classes all have their own pages below.