This policy was written in conjunction with current Local Authority Policy guidance issued to schools.
Any enquiries regarding in-year transfers or moving schools after Reception year are dealt with by Lancashire Local Authority’s Pupil Access Team. For more information please click here.
The published admission number for Trumacar Nursery and Community Primary School is 45 per year group and 52 for the Nursery (split into two sessions of 26 children).

Early Years Foundation Stage Class
We have one entry per year in September.
If a child’s 5th birthday falls between the 1st September of the current year and the 31st August of the next year they will be admitted in the September of the current year.
Parents will be asked to express a preference for a primary school. If a school is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be applied in priority order:
- Children in Public Care, who are in public care at the time when preferences are expressed and are still expected to be in public care when admitted to the school, then
- Children with older brothers and sisters who will still be attending the school when the younger child starts, (see * below), then
- Children for whom the County Council accepts there are exceptionally strong medical, social or welfare reasons for admission associated with the child and/or family which are directly relevant to the school concerned,** then
- the remaining places will be allocated according to where children live. Those living nearest to the school by a walking route recognised by the Local Authority will have priority.
* | Brothers and sisters include stepchildren, half brothers and sisters and adopted and foster children who are living with the same family at the same address. |
** | This may include some non-statemented pupils who have special educational needs. Pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the particular school have priority for admission and are considered under a separate admissions procedure. |
(i) If category (a) (b) and/or (c) above is oversubscribed, category (d) will be used as a ‘tie-breaker’.
(ii) Children will not normally start at a new school other than at the beginning of a term, unless they have moved into the area, or there are exceptional circumstances.