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 P.E. and School Sports







Welcome to our page all about Physical Education and Physical Development.

Subject Leader: Rebecca Winn

All policies are available on the Policies page.

Our Vision (Intent):

Research has shown that pupils whose physical development skills are poor struggle with other aspects of school. A pupil’s physical development level impacts their ability to complete simple tasks such as sitting still, holding a pencil, putting on their shoes, and especially reading – all skills essential for school. Although physical development is a prime area for EYFS it is not generally understood how PD impacts on all other areas. Pupils develop the ability to control their bodies from the centre of the body outwards and from the head downwards. Writing takes a great deal of hand finger strength; a pupil first leans to control their shoulder and whole arm movements before they can control the hand and fingers. It is also important that a pupil has sufficient body strength to maintain good posture when sitting to write.  One of the effects of the pandemic is that not all pupils starting in Nursery and Reception will have had the opportunity to practise these large gross motor movements and had as many experiences of playing outside using larger equipment. Many pupils in KS1 will have had opportunities restricted over the last 18 months and had reduced chances to practise the fundamental skills that help with physical development.   
By the end of Year 2 pupils will have been taught: to be increasingly competent and confident in the fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching after accessing a wide range of activities. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.                             

Here at Trumacar Primary School we understand the importance physical education and school sport has on developing the whole pupil. Our vision is to inspire a generation so that all pupils become better friends, excel in a sport, and grow up to be respectful individuals. We feel that sport is a great tool to help a pupil fulfil his/her potential, both intellectually and physically. We would like to develop the love of sport and increase participation in sports that pupils may not have realised they had the talent or the skill to be excel in. Pupils will be given opportunities to continue their sport outside of school, through Trumacar maintaining good links with clubs, making it more accessible for the pupils to succeed.  We will expose pupils to a wide variety of sports and experiences to spark their love for maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. This will have a positive impact on the pupils’ overall physical and mental health. We would like to see Trumacar Primary School as a place to come to for pupils to be given the best opportunity to develop as a young athlete or performer.
By the end of Year 4 pupils will have been taught:
We want all pupils to access competitive games in both PE lessons and extra-curricular activity, modified where appropriate.
We want all pupils to take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.
To use running, jumping, throwing, and catching in isolation and in combination.
By the end of Year 6 pupils will have an awareness of and had the experience of:
We want all pupils to play competitive games in both PE lessons and extra-curricular activity, modified where appropriate, and to be able to apply basic principles of attacking and defending.
We want all pupils to take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.                              









Behind the Vision:

We want ALL pupils to enjoy being physically active and develop their fundamental movement skills in a fun way which enables them to maximise their potential achievements in school.  We want to ensure that any pupil struggling with PD is identified and support given. We would like pupils to choose physical activities in and out of school because they are fun and enjoyable and not because they must do PE in school. We would like the pupils to see that staff consider that physical activity and sport is important and enjoyable, and that PE is a vital part of our curriculum.

New figures from Sport England show most young people failed to meet the recommended 60 minutes of daily exercise in the 2019/20 academic year. That was a decrease of almost 2% compared with the previous 12 months. Almost a third of pupils (2.3 million) were classed as ‘inactive’ because of lockdown restrictions, not even doing 30 minutes per day, up by 2.5%. Government research already previously showed that there was a problem with inactivity in both adults and pupils daily. The obesity epidemic is having a detrimental effect on both pupils and adult’s general wellbeing. I would like to improve our pupil’s general health and engagement in education, in line with the government’s recommended guidelines of at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. A Sport England study on pupils (years 2, 4 and 6) in our school highlighted only 24% of pupils are active (moderate to vigorous intensity for 60 minutes) daily. However, 98% of our pupils’ love sport and want to take part. We need to continue to form links with outside agencies and clubs to provide our parents with the information they need to access sport and to stay healthy.

As a result, we will build confidence, develop co-ordination, improve concentration & learning, in line with government guidelines. In a recent report from the Education Select Committee, poorer white pupils are in danger of becoming ‘disadvantaged’ in life. With recent reports in mind, we will continue to target all disadvantaged pupils, using the Sports Premium budget to target PPG pupils to provide them with experiences and opportunities they deserve.

In order to achieve the vision:

  1. Introduce Squiggle 2 (a movement and literacy programme) to Reception with daily practise sessions.
  2. Widen the scope of attendees at clubs – signpost pupils and parents to local sports clubs
  3. Maintain Platinum School Games standard inc. delivery of Sports Week
  4. Embed the new app-based Scheme of Work, including a new assessment tool
  5. Pupils needing support identified and provision put in place for them
  6. Widen the scope of attendees at clubs – signpost pupils and parents to local sports clubs
  7. Maintain Platinum School Games standard inc. delivery of Sports Week to widen opportunities for our pupils







Planning and progression of our curriculum:

For PE we follow the Lancashire Scheme of Work and adapt and develop as appropriate.

Year 1-2

Year A Baseline Unit Dance
Catching/ Bouncing
Overarm throw
Underarm throw
Year B Games Core Task Dance
Net/Wall Games
Net/ Wall Games

Year 3-4

Year A Invasion Games
Year 4 Swimming
Invasion Games
Net/Wall Games
Year 4 Swimming
Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Cross Country
Striking/Fielding Games
Striking/Fielding Games
Year 3 Swimming
Striking/Fielding Games
Year 3 Swimming
Year B Invasion Games
Year 4 Swimming
Invasion Games
Net/Wall Games
Year 4 Swimming
Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Cross Country
Striking/Fielding Games
Striking/Fielding Games
Year 3 Swimming
Striking/Fielding Games
Year 3 Swimming

Year 5-6

Year A Invasion Games
Invasion Games
Cross Country
Year 5 Swimming
Net/Wall Games
Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Year 5 Swimming
Invasion Games
Net/Wall Games
Striking/Fielding Games
Year B Invasion Games
Invasion Games
Cross Country
Year 5 Swimming
Net/Wall Games
Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Year 5 Swimming
Invasion Games
Net/Wall Games
Striking/Fielding Games











Gymnastics Routines for different year groups


Websites that might be of interest to you

The Body Coach – Youtube


Cosmic Kids – Youtube

BBC Super Movers

BBC Teach

Get Set 4 P.E.

Go Noodle – Youtube

Youth Sport Trust

Jump Start Johnny

Jack Hartman

Active Kids

Yoga with Adriene – Youtube

KIDZ BOP – Youtube

The Ballet Coach

Oti’s Dance Class – Youtube

Just Dance – Youtube
Check the videos first.

Nike Active – Kids Do Better

NHS Change 4 Life