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Equality And diversity


The Trumacar Community believes in the whole Community and believes in Equality for All

Trumacar Nursery and Community Primary School is proud that it fully supports equality in all aspects of its work – for pupils, staff, governors and parents as well as for visitors and other community members linked with the school. This pride has been recognised by Lancashire County Council who awarded the school the Full Equality Mark in 2016.

Equality is integral to all schools and workplaces and the promotion of equality of opportunity for all pupils underpins Trumacar school life. We ensure that high quality provision meets the diverse needs of our pupils, staff, governors and parents and promotes not just equality of opportunity but improving outcomes for all pupils regardless of background.

More information about Equality can be found in our Equality Policy.

The lead for Equality and Diversity in school is Mr Slater.

The governor with responsibility for Equality and Diversity is Mr Copsey.

Our Specific Objectives for each Equality Area

 Race/Ethnicity Equality:

Continue to enhance pupils’ awareness of the variety of race/ethnicity globally

Gender Equality:

Ensure that all aspects of school life are available to all children irrespective of gender and that all achieve

Disability Equality:

Form links with local disability association through sport and community events

Sexual Orientation Equality:

Access training from Local Authority and other schools re: how this can dealt within the primary school setting

Religion & Belief Equality:

Continue to enhance pupils’ awareness of the variety of religious belief globally

We want the children to know that they can be successful in the future no matter what their starting points may be, no matter what influences they may have in their lives, and no matter who they truly are – and we celebrate individuals and diversity as often as we can and promote individuality through the use use of positive images, stories, reference books, resources and play equipment and through discussion.

From our own Equality Audit we found that the school is already doing an awful lot to promote equality and this is having a very positive impact on behaviour, understanding, respect and the upholding of our Trumacar Values.

The school proudly holds a number of awards which show the school’s strength in promoting equality and celebrating diversity.

In assemblies we also look at leaders and famous people who have done ground breaking things with regard to equality.


Margaret Thatcher was the first female Prime Minister

Born 1925- Died 2013


Dr Martin Luther King was a civil rights campaigner in America who helped stop racism and died for his beliefs

Born 1929- Died 1968


Barack Obama was the first black President of the United States of America

Born 1961


Professor Stephen Hawking is a ground breaking Theoretical Physicist who has helped us to understand how the world began

 Born 1942

Emmeline Pankhurst worked hard to bring votes to women, because everything was decided by men in those days

Born 1858 – Died 1928


Aung San Suu Kyi has shown that peace can overcome conflict in the country of Myanmar

Born 1945


Peter Tatchell has been a leading campaigner for LGBT equality rights around the world

Born 1952

Nelson Mandela fought for equal rights for black people and white people in South Africa and became President in 1994

Born 1918 – Died 2013

Malala Yousafzai has become a beacon of hope for girls around the world who want a good education, no matter where they live

Born 1997

Albert Einstein was Jewish and was born in Germany and became a renowned scientist across the whole world – E=mcfor example

Born 1879 – Died 1955

Alan Turing is considered to be the inventor of computers as we know them today and was a lead in codebreaking during World War II

Born 1912 – Died 1954


Jesse Owens was the first black man to win 4 Gold Medals at the Olympics in Berlin in 1936

Born 1913 – Died 1980

The Dalai Lama is a leader of Buddhism in Tibet and across the world and he continues to work for peace in his country and around the globe

Born 1935

Mo Farrah, a devout Muslim, is one of the fastest men alive today winning 2 Gold medals at the London Olympics in 2012

Born 1983

Clare Balding was a jockey who became famous as a journalist and sports commentator and now presents lots of shows on TV and radio

Born 1971

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